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Blackballed at Yale

Juan Cole's appointment in Middle Eastern studies apparently killed -- despite backing at departmental level and following intense media campaign.

Shilling for Dictators?

Noted expert on Eurasia, accused of being apologist for tyrants, sees McCarthy-like attack on his views.

Moving Up by Moving Down

Many colleges seek to gain stature through sports. Birmingham-Southern switches from Division I to III and eliminates sports scholarships.

Opening Up the Elites

Presenting powerful new data, a researcher advocates "class based" affirmative action that credits students for overcoming backgrounds.

Mental Health Milieu

Health professionals ponder the complexities of serving mentally ill students, while protecting their privacy and preventing stigmatization.

Overlooked Again -- Community Colleges and Science

NSF panel members are stunned to find impact of community colleges in producing math and science graduates.

Proctor 2.0

New authenticating device would eliminate need for in-person oversight of students taking exams in distance learning programs.