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Lawyers Who Can Read

Changes in store for admissions test used by law schools.

New Measures for Gender Inequities

AAUP releases national and campus data showing gaps in faculty employment and salaries -- especially at doctoral universities.

Vacancy in Nevis

Student loan company cancels Caribbean conference to which it had invited financial aid officers and guests, all expenses paid.

Searching for Answers at Gallaudet

As board plans to meet, two sides differ strongly on why president-elect is so vehemently opposed.

Bomb Threat Closes a Campus

Officers blow up a locker at Diablo Valley College after dogs find evidence provoking concern.

Macs on the Rebound

Dell remains the computer of choice on campuses, but the "cooler" Apple is steadily gaining steam.

Pell Grants Down, Tuition Up

Decline in key program for poor is among worrisome aid trends in annual survey on college costs, which again outpace inflation.