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More Colleges, More Degrees

U.S. study documents continued expansion of American higher education, with most growth in for-profit sector.

Columbia Protesters Face Penalties (Perhaps)

In pre-Christmas statement, university officials say students may undergo discipline for disrupting speech -- but offer no details, citing privacy law.

Mascots, Indians and Adults-Only Cartoons

Indiana U. of Pennsylvania announces its new team name -- without checking Google first to see who else might be using the name.

Signs of the Cross (and Its Removal)

William & Mary president apologizes for haste, but stands by decision to make a historic chapel more welcoming to non-Christians.

Professor's Hunger Strike Ultimatum

A professor who was denied tenure at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has vowed to start a hunger strike on...

Accrediting Ups and Downs

Southern agency punishes Alabama 2-year college; Western group restores approval for Claremont School of Theology.