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Fooling the College Board

To demonstrate flaws of SAT writing test, MIT professor coached student on how to get a good score on a lousy essay -- and pulled it off.

Off the Picket Lines

Tentative deal ends strike at Community College of Philadelphia; at California State U., fact finder's report may avert strike.

Paying by the Program

Public institutions nationwide are increasingly varying undergraduate tuition rates by major.

Doing E-Portfolios Right

As curricular approach spreads, composition professors adopt "best practices" statement.

Controversial Penn State Coach Resigns

Women's basketball leader had success on court but was accused of repeated anti-lesbian bias.

The Kinder, Gentler Summit

Education Department's higher education confab wins praise for cooperative tone, but storm clouds loom.

Aggressive Tack on Accreditation Rules

U.S. proposes regulatory changes that could force agencies to set minimum standards for colleges on student learning.