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For-Profit College Will Stop Recruiting in Homeless Shelters

Drake College of Business, a for-profit college, has announced that it will stop recruiting students in homeless shelters, Bloomberg reported...

The Post-Crisis MBA

A few years ago, any discussion of the master’s in business administration would begin with discussions of scandal and mismanagement...

Rockin' in the Ph.D. World

There are plenty in higher education who devote themselves to interpreting rock and roll as literature. Fewer devote themselves to...

Commencement Speakers Announced: Boston U., Dillard, Dominican, Graceland, Mid-Plains CC, Santa Clara, Southern Polytechnic, U. of Connecticut, U. of Houston-Victoria, Wilson

The following colleges and universities have announced their commencement speakers: Boston University: Eric Holder, U.S. attorney general. Dillard University: Nikki...

Low Stress Christian Tenure

DENVER -- Gatherings of any significant number of faculty members on the tenure track feature many discussions of the stresses...

Hunger Strike at Berkeley Over Arizona Law

About 20 students at the University of California at Berkeley started a hunger strike Monday, vowing not to eat until...

U. of Maine Affirms Planned Cuts

The president of the University of Maine, Robert Kennedy, announced Tuesday that the university is accepting the controversial recommendations of...

How Illinois Speaker Used Influence in Admissions

The Chicago Tribune, which broke the story last year about the "clout" list that enabled the politically connected to have...