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Not So Special

That technology is transforming higher education is hardly news. Amid exploding online enrollments , widespread confidence in the future preeminence...

Newly Tenured ... at Colorado and Gustavus Adophus Colleges, Southwestern U., U. of Regina

The following individuals have recently been awarded tenure by their colleges and universities: Colorado College--David Brown, mathematics--Emily Chan, psychology--Gail Murphy-Geiss...

When Even Low Tuition Is Too Much

Cam Holmes graduated from Tulsa Community College on Friday – and she says that, but for a program created three...

New Arizona Law Deters Faculty Job Applicants

Arizona State University has lost about 15 to 20 faculty job applicants since the passage of an immigration law that...

Furloughs in New York State

Under a plan pushed by Gov. David Paterson, most state employees -- including faculty members at the four-year campuses of...

U.Va. President Urges Sharing of Arrest Records

John T. Casteen III, president of the University of Virginia, met with Gov. Bob McDonnell Tuesday to urge reforms in...

Scholarship Reform Bill Vetoed in Illinois

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn has vetoed a scholarship reform bill, arguing that it does not go far enough, the Chicago...

Army Secretary Withdraws as Commencement Speaker

John McHugh, secretary of the Army, has withdrawn as commencement speaker at the State University of New York at Oswego...