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Asian B-Schools Unite to Compete With Western B-Schools

The business schools of Hong Kong University of Science & Technology and Nanyang Technological University, along with the China Europe...

Brain Surgeon Gets Another Chance

Medical professor who quit Harvard-affiliated job after well-publicized gender discrimination suit gets teaching and administrative position at U. of Texas.

Rising Above the Flood

When a record-breaking flood in June 2008 damaged 2.5 million square feet of the University of Iowa, the campus and...

Clery Acting

Emergency helicopters, a SWAT team and armed state police officers descended on Hamilton College Tuesday in what seemed like a...

Vying for Limited Slots

Community colleges pride themselves on open admissions policies. But an increasing number are moving to competitive admissions in nursing programs...

Faculty-IT Split on Tech Issues

An annual survey by CDW has again found gaps in the views on technology issues between campus IT professionals and...