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Key Title IX Ruling

A federal judge determined Wednesday that competitive cheerleading, at least the brand offered at a small Connecticut institution this past...

Duke Suspends Enrolling New Patients in 3 Clinical Trials

Duke University has suspended the enrollment of new patients in three clinical trials that depend in part on work by...

Texas A

It's no surprise that universities have been eliminating extras in order to tighten budgets, but getting rid of toilet paper...

Retooling the GI Bill

WASHINGTON – Gathered at a hearing here Wednesday, U.S. senators grappled with legislation that would attempt to simplify the often...

When Faculty Aren't Supposed to Talk

Many colleges have rules declaring that faculty meetings where job candidates are reviewed are supposed to be confidential. A Stanford...

Ultimatum to Illinois Over Catholic Studies Instructor

The Alliance Defense Fund, which is representing Kenneth Howell in the controversy over his teaching at the University of Illinois...

Harvard Tightens Rules for Medical Faculty

Harvard University Medical School is setting new rules that will prohibit faculty members from giving promotional talks for drug and...