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Help in California for Students From Foster Care

A new California law requires public colleges and universities to let students from foster care -- who frequently have no...

Putting It to Provosts

CHICAGO -- Like many advocacy groups, higher education associations are notoriously self-referential (if not self-reverential). They're quick to promote the...

Are UT Southwestern Faculty Failing to Oversee Residents?

Some University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center faculty members have been letting medical residents operate at a public hospital with...

New Questions on Test Bias

For many years, critics of the SAT have cited a verbal question involving the word "regatta" as an example of...

Support for Plaintiffs in Title IX Suit Against Delaware State

The AAUW (formerly the American Association of University Women) has awarded $11,500 to the Women’s Law Project in support of...

Maybe Students Actually Care About Facebook Privacy

As Facebook has faced one criticism after another for the last year over its various privacy failings, many educators have...

Gender, Leadership and the Med School Classroom

Even though women now make up half of medical school enrollments, they lag in assuming leadership roles in the classroom...

Training Accountable Teachers

WASHINGTON — Many teachers are failing at their jobs, and teacher preparation programs are not being held accountable for failing...