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Web Re(design)

A cartoon ridiculing the tone-deaf design of many college home pages, published on July 30 week on the website xkcd...

Bettor Grades

Student affairs experts have said that gambling is an unhealthy habit among college students, especially in the age of online...

A Quickly Growing Major

By 2018, the number of physical therapists in the United States is projected to grow by 30.3 percent, but the...

Congress Passes Emergency Aid for States

The House of Representatives approved legislation Tuesday that will give states $26 billion to save teachers' jobs and bolster Medicaid...

Chicago Mayor Wants to End Open Admissions

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley is calling on City Colleges of Chicago to end open admissions. A shift away from open...

Canada Seeks to Block MCAT Fingerprinting

Canada's privacy commission is seeking a court order in that country to block the collection and storage of fingerprints of...

Divisions Over Peace Studies

At a time when student interest is growing in nongovernmental organizations and conflict resolution, faculty members in peace studies master's...