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Up, Up and Away

Harvard faculty members, to almost no one's surprise, find out that grade inflation prospers.

Politics or Civility?

New sociology research suggests that nonpolitical campus characteristics may influence whether conservative students thrive with or feel intimidated by faculty at overwhelmingly liberal institutions.

Test Takers Increase, Scores Don't

More and more students are taking the ACT in high school, but their scores are not increasing, finds the new...

Retired and Rehired

A community college president is reappointed, months after he retired to gain access to his pension.

Tweaking the Methodology

U.S. News adjusts the most controversial part of its rankings -- but does it matter?

The New Business Doctorates

A growing number of business schools are creating doctoral programs for business executives, Business Week reported. The programs are typically...

Canadian University Denies Admitting Alleged Terrorist

King's University College, in Alberta, has found itself drawn into the military tribunal in Guantanamo considering murder and terrorism charges...

Dutch University Aims for Rejected British Applicants

In the United States, public and private universities are trying to recruit in California, thinking that budget cuts and resulting...