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New Tactic in Aid Arms Race

Cornell and Dartmouth match all Ivy aid packages, resulting in some admitted applicants getting more money than others. Has Overlap Group philosophy returned, courtesy in part of athletics?

Betting on Bling

Fearing inflation and U.S. debt, University of Texas investment arm adds gold to portfolio – and its officials suggest others have privately done the same.

U. of Louisiana Board Defers Action on Tenure Changes

The University of Louisiana Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Friday to defer consideration of a plan to make it easier...

A Recovery at Risk

Delgado Community College has finally passed its pre-Katrina enrollment levels — only to face massive budget cuts that could reverse the progress.

Faculty Criticize Plan to Revise Tenure at U. of Louisiana

Faculty groups are urging the University of Louisiana Board of Supervisors to reject a proposal, on the agenda for a...

UNC Investigates Charges of Academic Misconduct by Tutor

Officials at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill said Thursday that a continuing inquiry into its football program...

U. of Cal. Official Will Manage Presidential Home Costs

The University of California has appointed an official to manage the costs associated with the home of Mark G. Yudof...

Notre Dame Says Fired Prof Used Grants for Porn

The University of Notre Dame has responded to a suit by a fired tenured professor by detailing the reasons it...