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Alum Calls Off Planned Bequest Over Reading Assignment

A Brooklyn College alumnus has ended plans for a bequest because of his anger over a reading assignment for first-year...

Senator Wants For-Profit Colleges to Share Default Risk

U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, a key member of the Senate Democratic leadership, on Tuesday called for a number...

Surrendering to Tomorrow

Once, the e-book reader was a futuristic fantasy. Scott McLemee faces the ambivalence of living it out.

Southern Mississippi Cuts 29 Faculty Jobs

The University of Southern Mississippi is planning to cut 29 faculty jobs -- including those of 14 tenured professors --...

U.S. Finds Misconduct by Former Washington State Postdoc

A former postdoctoral researcher at Washington State University fabricated and falsified data in a journal article and has been barred...

Stuck in the Middle

Two senior administrators at Kansas university gave regents information about the president -- who they say then fired them for doing so.

Win for Researcher Rights

Judge blocks attempt by state attorney general to get records on a scientist's work at U. of Virginia; further court battles are likely.