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Find a Niche or Vanish

Universities that lack distinctive missions will go extinct, British pro vice chancellor warns.

(Somewhat) Sunnier Day in California

While criticized for relying on federal dollars and optimistic revenue projections, budget accord is first in years to please state higher ed leaders.

What Passes for a Raise Today

As budget anxieties persist, some universities address years of stagnant wages with one-time salary boosts instead of permanent raises.

Standing Their Ground

Brown U. faculty refuse to endorse changes that would make tenure harder to earn, and that some fear would alter the teaching/research balance.

Mario Vargas Llosa Wins Nobel in Literature

The Nobel Prize in Literature 2010 was awarded to Mario Vargas Llosa, the Peruvian author, "for his cartography of structures...

When Less Is More

Changes in essay requirements to apply to MIT and Penn reflect sense among admissions officers that students don't need to write a book (or even 1,000 words).

Newly Tenured ... at Eastern Connecticut, Western Kentucky

The following individuals have recently been awarded tenure by their colleges and universities: Eastern Connecticut State University --Alita Cousins, psychology--Melanie...

Union Hypocrisy?

NEA leaders criticize colleges that make deals with for-profit higher ed, but NEA does its own such deal.