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Is Higher Ed Ready to Change?

INDIANAPOLIS -- One's perception of how widely colleges and universities have embraced the necessity and inevitability of fundamental transformative change...

No Confidence at Cuyahoga

Full-time faculty members at Cuyahoga Community College have voted no confidence in Jerry Sue Thornton, president there since 1992, The...

Canadian Students Want to Deny Funds to Anti-Abortion Group

The student leaders of Canada's Carleton University are threatening to cut off funds to an anti-abortion group, Maclean's reported. The...

The Move Back to Early Admissions

Four years ago, momentum appeared to be growing for competitive colleges to eliminate programs in which some high school students...

The Catholicity Test

The occasional flaps between professors at Roman Catholic institutions and the bishops in their dioceses often hinge on whether allegiance...


An article published Tuesday about an audit by the Education Department's inspector general was based on a study from early 2006 to which department officials had already responded. Inside Higher Ed regrets any confusion.

The New Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Stephen A. Douglas, the "Little Giant" who served in the U.S. Senate and debated Abraham Lincoln, is still much-honored in...

Going Clinical

Panel seeks to overhaul teacher training through much closer ties to the schools.