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Dueling Cost Estimates on DREAM Act

The Congressional Budget Office released a report last week saying that the DREAM Act -- which creates a path to...

Did Belmont Coach Lose Job for Being a Lesbian Mother?

Players on the women's soccer team at Belmont University say that they were told by Lisa Howe that she was...

VCU President Withdraws Confidentiality Requirements

Michael Rao, the president of Virginia Commonwealth University, has withdrawn confidentiality agreements that he had required some university employees to...

Push to Give LSU More Autonomy

Business leaders in Louisiana are working with Gov. Bobby Jindal on a plan to grant considerable autonomy to Louisiana State...

Using the Rankings

Colleges love to complain about U.S. News, but a new survey documents the ways many of them use the magazine's findings.

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Jonathan D. Katz's career as an art historian can be framed by controversies over federal support for art that offends...

Should Colleges Rescind Honors for Helen Thomas?

She sets off new controversy with comments alleging Zionist control of much of American society; Wayne State kills award with her name.

How to Talk Science

At gathering of grad school officials, Alan Alda promotes campaign to teach next generation of researchers how to communicate with the public.