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Columbia Wins Fight Over Eminent Domain

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to consider an appeal of a ruling by New York State's highest court...

Students Found to Lie on Course Evaluations

A new study of students at the University of Northern Iowa and Southeastern Oklahoma University has found that about one-third...

Defining Academic Freedom

Penn State professors move to give more leeway to faculty members dealing with controversial issues.

Danish Professor Reprimanded for Campus Orgies

Authorities at Denmark's Aalborg University have reprimanded a professor who, with three other men and one woman, staged and filmed...

Surprise: Alumni Love Their Colleges

College officials praise results of a nationwide survey of graduates, but others say the data are skewed.

Defining Academic Freedom

Penn State professors move to give more leeway to faculty members dealing with controversial issues.

Affirming Science's Place

Seeking to put to rest a controversy that has flared for the past two weeks in the news and blogosphere...