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Economists to Consider Conflict of Interest Rules

The American Economic Association's board plans to discuss whether the organization should have an ethics code dealing with conflicts of...

Stephens College Meets Weight Loss Goal

Stephens College will earn $1 million as a result of its employees losing more than the 250 pounds required in...

'Pay for Play'

University of Alabama football coach Nick Saban is frequently heralded as "the most powerful man in Alabama" and "the most...

Look Whose Graduates Are Earning More

Some eyebrows are being raised in Florida over new data showing that some community college graduates -- generally in programs...

Dispute Over Funding Formula in Indiana

One of the hot ideas in higher education accountability circles is that public universities should have their financing based in...

David Noble, Critic of Distance Ed, Dies at 65

David Noble, a history professor at Canada's York University and one of the most outspoken critics of distance education, died...

Facebook, a Placenta and a Lawsuit

Did 4 nursing students deserve to be kicked out of their program for a photograph they took and posted?

Study Suggests Ending Mandatory University Retirement Had Limited Effects

A new report from the National Science Foundation suggests that the elimination of mandatory retirement for science, engineering and health...