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Into the Fray

Noting years of misreading of the past by those in power, historians vow wider engagement with the public.

Unafraid of Virginia Woolf

Community college English professors worry that they're being discouraged from teaching the kind of fiction that can change students' lives.

Parents Prefer Colleges With Higher Graduation Rates

A study being released today by the American Enterprise Institute found that, in a sample of parents asked to choose...

After Failed Search, Seton Hall Names Lay President

Seton Hall University on Tuesday named A. Gabriel Esteban, provost and interim president, to the position of president. Seton Hall...

Academic Minute: Atoms and Imaging

In today’s Academic Minute, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Linda Schadler describes her role in a project that uses the big screen...

Medical Residents Ruled Employees

Supreme Court ruling backs Treasury Department against hospital and U. of Minnesota, saying doctors-in-training are subject to payroll taxes.

Female Complaints

Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wall-Paper" is a feminist classic. Scott McLemee looks into the story behind the story.

Vanderbilt Nursing Accused of Barring Anti-Abortion Students

The Alliance Defense Fund on Tuesday charged Vanderbilt University Medical Center with violating a law that prevents federally funds from...