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Appeal Filed in Affirmative Action Case

Lawyers whose arguments against the consideration of race in admissions at the University of Texas at Austin were recently rejected...

Law School Sued for Kicking Out Student for Drug Conviction

David Powers is suing St. John's University after its law school kicked him out over a 10-year-old conviction for selling...

American U. in Cairo Postpones President's Inaugural

Lisa Anderson, the new president of American University in Cairo, was scheduled to be inaugurated this coming Monday -- and...

After Egypt

Educators involved in study abroad expect interest in the Middle East to grow, but many colleges are looking for alternatives to programs they had in Cairo.

Osteopathic Medical Schools See Application Surge

The 26 osteopathic medical schools in the United States have received more applications for admission during this academic year --...

Shelving Hunger

The difficult economy prompts students to create campus food banks for use by their peers.

College Affordability Is Public's Top Worry

More Americans who identify themselves as struggling economically are worried about the affordability of higher education than about any other...

Online Courseware's Existential Moment

Historically, universities such as Columbia, Oxford, Yale, Princeton and Stanford and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have defined their value...