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Harkin Lambastes For-Profit Recruiting; GAO Defends Report on the Colleges

Another day, another flurry of activity related to federal regulation of for-profit colleges. The Government Accountability Office announced Tuesday that...

Utah Legislators Want to Charge Students for Excess Credits

Utah legislators are considering a proposal to raise tuition rates substantially (to cover the full costs of instruction) for students...

Academic Minute: Love

In today’s Academic Minute, Lynn Bruner of Lock Haven University outlines the positive psychological aspects of loving and being loved...

U.S. Bars Career College Group From Meeting on Pay Rule

When the U.S. Education Department holds a meeting today to gather feedback about new rules on incentive compensation, many interested...

Social Psychologists Consider Bias Against Conservatives

The annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology this year was dominated by a talk charging that...

Anger Over New Rankings

Education deans from top research universities challenge methodology embraced by U.S. News and say that the "implied coercion" to participate raises questions of journalistic ethics.

Racial Slur Prompts Debate at U. of Alabama

Robert E. Witt, president of the University of Alabama, sent an e-mail to all students and faculty members denouncing the...

'The Heart of Higher Education'

While many college faculty members and administrators are focused on budget cuts or research agendas, Parker J. Palmer and Arthur...