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Cast Out in Chicago

Adjuncts at Columbia College Chicago say that administration's replacement of 100 long-serving instructors, without explanation, is an act of 'war' on their union.

Study Shows For-Profit Dependence on Federal Dollars

Eight for-profit colleges failed in 2008-9 to meet federal requirements for student aid eligibility that at least 10 percent of...

More Questions on Notre Dame Response to Sex Assaults

The University of Notre Dame is facing -- for the second time this academic year -- charges that it was...

Academic Minute: Women and HIV/AIDS

In today’s Academic Minute, Union Graduate College's Sean Philpott examines why women around the world are slightly more likely to...

The Factors That Prompt Students to Consider Quitting College

Depression and a loss of financial aid significantly influence college students to consider dropping out -- while events such as...

A Politician's Agenda

A New Jersey county executive wants to decide which items may go on meeting agendas for the local community college’s...

AAUP to Investigate Language Program Closures at Albany

The American Association of University Professors has launched a formal inquiry in the way the State University of New York...

Price Check at Sewanee

U. of the South cuts tuition by 10%, seeking to reverse both rising discount rate and increased spending on merit aid. Could other private colleges follow?