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More Racial Tension at UC San Diego

The University of California at San Diego, which had several racial incidents last year, has had another. The San Diego...

Will British Students Enroll Elsewhere?

In the latest fallout from the British government's decision to raise tuition substantially at the country's universities, a leading secondary...

Australian Universities Worry About Students Skipping Class

Many Australian academics worry that the availability of online tools is encouraging more students to skip class, The Sydney Morning...

Annual Rite (and Nightmare) for Applicants: A College's Mis-sent Acceptances

Nearly 2,000 applicants to Virginia's Christopher Newport University are the unlucky ones this year: recipients of an e-mail telling them...

A New Gossip Guru

The new owner the controversial gossip website CollegeACB promises to clamp down on mudslinging, but refuses to reveal his identity.

The Academe Awards

Members of the other academy offer their Oscar endorsements.

Flexible Policies, Unchanged Practice

More medical schools offer better-balanced work-life policies to faculty, new study finds, but few actually use them.