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Political Science Blog Challenges 'New York Times'

The decision by The New York Times to start charging for online content has prompted considerable debate here and elsewhere...

Leadership Without the Limelight

The glass ceiling long since shattered, Princeton women steer away from high-profile student offices toward more obscure leadership roles.

New Chief for Research University Group

AAU selects Rawlings, former president of Cornell and Iowa, to lead association at time that institutions -- especially public ones, he says -- are "challenged."

About Face?

Trustees at financially struggling Birmingham-Southern turn to retired general and banker to lead hoped-for recovery.

Faculty Union Agrees to Negotiate 1-Year Pay Freeze

The union that represents professors in Pennsylvania's 14-campus public college system agreed on Sunday to negotiate a pay freeze for...

The Mocked Minority

Amid the furor following a UCLA student mocking her Asian peers online, experts point out that the stereotypes illustrated in the YouTube video are often swept under the rug.

Cornell Library Will Make Journal Prices Public

In 2009, the Association of Research Libraries urged its members to stop agreeing to nondisclosure agreements on pricing of journal...

A Heavier Load in Ohio

Governor’s plan to force faculty to teach one more class every two years sparks more bitterness.