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Student Affairs Groups Won't Merge

In a much-anticipated and close vote of whether to consolidate the two largest national organizations of student affairs professionals --...

Completion Agenda for Baby Boomers

Community colleges encourage over-50 crowd to complete degrees and credentials — but say institutions must make them feel welcome first.

Working Women Better Educated Than Working Men

These days, when the Education Department and Census Bureau release various compilations of education statistics, data usually show the relative...

Will Transcripters Replace Birthers?

Donald Trump, who is flirting with running for president, has expanded his demands for records about President Obama's past. Now...

Edited Video from U. of Missouri Makes Waves

Portions of recorded class discussions in which two labor professors at the University of Missouri appear to advocate violence as...

Assistance for Some Undocumented Students

Some college students who lack documentation to stay in the United States and who have been targets for deportation are...

Do Adjunct Votes Count?

Massachusetts union debates whether part-timers -- who are in the majority by far -- should get full vote in electing leaders.

Academic Minute: Mental Health in Haiti

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of West Georgia's Jeannette Diaz-Laplante examines efforts to include mental health care in the...