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Rendition Under the Radar

Law school at the University of Georgia has hired a professor who oversaw a well-known Bush-era terror case -- but so far few seem to have noticed.

Governor Perry's New Tea Party Regent

Texas Governor Rick Perry, a Republican, named a Tea Party activist to a student seat on the Texas A&M University...

Red Grader, Blue Grader

Study finds that Republican professors are more likely to give very high grades and very low grades -- and to give lower grades to black students -- than their Democratic counterparts.

The 'Jersey Shore' Higher Ed Roundup

The University of Florida has withdrawn its directive to students at its study abroad program in Italy not to socialize...

Holding the Line on Agents

Admissions group releases draft policy that explicitly bars paying commissions for recruiting students -- in the U.S. or abroad.

Building More Than Buildings

The late Constantine Papadakis revived an endangered Drexel. His successor, John Fry, wants to revive nearby neighborhoods, too.

Sex Work to Pay for European Tuition Bills

A survey by a German research center found that one in three university students in Berlin would consider sex work...