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Obama Will Push Certifications for Manufacturing Jobs

President Obama will focus on job training programs during a visit today to Northern Virginia Community College. One idea he...

Improving Web Searches for Students

Publishers look to help students who use mainstream search engines for research to find more reliable academic content on the open Web.

Student Loans Found to Build Self-Esteem

New research out of Ohio State University suggests a silver lining to the cloud of loan debt faced by many...

Campus Gun Bill Fails in Nevada

Nevada is the latest state in which legislation to permit concealed weapons on campuses has died. The Nevada Senate passed...

Impact of Scholarships on Community College Students

Providing extra scholarship funds encourages community college students to enroll full time and to take summer courses, according to a...

'The Faculty Lounges'

It will surprise no one familiar with her work that Naomi Schaefer Riley is not a fan of tenure. In...

Academic Minute: Green Energy Storage

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Texas at Austin's Raymond Orbach explains research focused on creating a means to...

Another Round

Although the long-awaited "gainful employment" rule has now been released, latest Senate hearing on for-profit colleges follows a familiar path.