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Price to See His Own University's Records: $40,000

John Wendell, an accounting professor at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, suspects that the institution is spending too much...

Student Stress: Whose is Worst?

Researchers examine patterns, cultures and demographics.

New Orleans, Back in the Fold

AAUP clears two New Orleans universities from its censure list, but cites Bethune-Cookman, Idaho State and RPI.

Backlash Over an Ouster

AAUP, used to questioning managerial decisions of colleges, faces tough questions from own members about treatment of its now former general secretary.

The True Significance of 'Gainful Employment'

By giving U.S. government new way to measure "value" of academic programs, rules could reframe federal regulation of all colleges, not just for-profits.

U. of Regina Lecture Topic Offends Business Group

The University of Regina planned with a local business group to sponsor a series of lectures by professors in a...

Mind the (Scholarship) Gap

Major conferences debate whether athletics grants should be expanded to cover full cost of college attendance; critics say move could create further inequities.

Entrepreneurship vs. Scholarship?

Trying to wring revenues from research poses risks to academe, one scholar warns.