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Where Low-Income Students Go to College

Students who grow up in poverty are nearly four times likelier to enroll in for-profit colleges than are other students...

Blocked Transfer

What does it say when a community college district in California sees more graduates go to private colleges or leave the state than enter public university systems?

Cutting the Cord

New study points to weaknesses in funding agencies' efforts to gauge "sustainability" of digital-resource projects.

Academic Minute: Disasters and Economic Recovery

In today’s Academic Minute, Bryant University's Andres Ramirez explores how economies respond to earthquakes and other natural disasters. Ramirez is...

Academic Minute: Readjusting the Poverty Level

In today’s Academic Minute, James Sullivan of the University of Notre Dame explains the limitations of how poverty is measured...

ACLU: N.J. Denies Aid to U.S.-Born Children of Immigrants

The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a legal challenge to New Jersey's rejection of the state grant application of...

Earmarks in a New Form?

Remember how the Republican-led House of Representatives was going to eliminate earmarks? According to The Boston Globe, the House has...

Students Say Dean Copied Speech

Medical students at the University of Alberta were thrilled with the speech their dean, Philip Baker, gave at a convocation...