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A New Majority

Women are taking more spots on deans' councils. At U. of Richmond, 4 of 5 deans are women. Will they change academic leadership?

Whistled for Interference

NCAA finds that Georgia Tech violated amateurism rules, but made case far more serious by obstructing investigators.

Cooley Law School Sues Bloggers and Lawyers

The Thomas M. Cooley Law School, a freestanding institution in Michigan, on Thursday sued four anonymous individuals who have posted...

The Ethics of Student Life

College officials hope to foster good decision-making by helping students view their actions through an ethical lens.

NSF Publishes Reports on State of Academic Research

The National Science Foundation has published new reports on how federal research dollars flowed to colleges and universities in 2009...

Texas Endowment Managers Worry About What's Next

The mammoth endowment fund of the University of Texas is planning to double the $50 million hedge it maintains in...

Conflict of Interest Seen in Mortgage Study

A research report released last month by two George Washington University professors argued for weakening the role of the Federal...

Accreditation at Risk

Agency threatens to terminate approval of online for-profit college in California, citing its failure to reveal problems with certifying that students met degree requirements.