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British Libraries Push Back

Research institutions demand price cuts before they will renew package deals.

Order of Nuns Fires a College President and Board

An order of nuns has dismissed the president and the entire board of Our Lady of Holy Cross College, in...

U. of California Plans Raises for Faculty

The University of California, whose campuses have worried about losing top faculty members amid budget cuts and salary freezes and...

Emerging Solutions

Planned consolidation of three Assemblies of God institutions will be eyed by religious colleges facing similar issues.

4 SUNY Campuses Will Share 2 Presidents

The State University of New York is planning to have two of its presidents each lead a second campus. The...

Free Textbooks for Aid Applicants at Dayton

The University of Dayton has unveiled a new way to encourage people to apply for aid and to visit the...

Kansas Governor Wants Better University Rankings

Governor Sam Brownback, a Kansas Republican, wants his state's universities to rise in the U.S. News & World Report rankings...