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Confusion Over U. of California Admissions Change

Guidance counselors and applicants to the University of California are reporting widespread confusion over the system's shift to no longer...

'Ill-Equipped' Political Science

Discipline urged to pay more attention to issues of race and inequality, and to diversify.

CUNY Finds Success With Intense Remediation

The City University of New York, facing an increasing population of students who graduate from high school, sometimes with good...

Realistic or Radical?

Task force wants California's community colleges to focus on students who are more likely to graduate. Can that approach fly in a state where access always comes first?

Winning in the End

With a week until the deadline, universities vying for a high-tech campus in New York City are competing on vision and size but are unsure of what deciding factors will be.

Facing Protests, Cantor Calls Off Speech at Penn

Facing the prospect of protests from the Occupy Philadelphia movement, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor on Friday called off a...

A New Chess Board

CIOs say that they are tired of being pawns when it comes to negotiating big technology contracts with vendors.

Twitter Rebellion at Moscow State U.

Journalism students at Moscow State University used Twitter to protest the way an appearance of Russia's president, Dmitri A. Medvedev...