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Student Success for Everyone: Serving the Underserved

" Student Success for Everyone: Serving the Underserved" is a new free compilation of articles and essays from Inside Higher...

Making the Mentor and Mentee Match (infographic)

Successful connections between students and mentors often require careful thinking about which individuals are likely to be a good pair. Follow these 10 matchmaking tips.

New Momentum Drives New Effort

Waubonsee Community College is launching a new initiative to boost the enrollment and graduation rates of Latinx students and adult learners.

Democratizing Data With an Equity Lens

By sharing the right data, higher ed leaders can use the collective expertise on their campus to identify and dislodge barriers to student success and advance equitable outcomes, writes Jeff Gold.

Michigan State Restores Some of the Pay Faculty Lost

Michigan State University is giving all nonunionized faculty and academic staff 2 percent merit raises effective Jan. 1, The Lansing...

China Responds to New COVID-19 Outbreak

China has confined nearly 1,500 university students to their dormitories and hotels following an outbreak of COVID-19 in the city...

The Post-9/11 Generation’s Perceptions of Safety

The effects of Sept. 11 are still being felt today. In today's Academic Minute, SUNY New Paltz's Karla Vermeulen determines...

Recentering the Bright Sheng Debate

A dozen University of Michigan professors argue that the controversy over a blackface Othello is more about teaching preparation than free expression, and that better university training and protocols could have lessened the fallout for everyone involved.