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'Commitment' and Community College Completion

Community college graduation rates are low -- in some cases abysmally so. And as the push grows to hold colleges...

Saluting the Flag

Arizona legislators want Old Glory and the Constitution in every classroom at public colleges and universities.

Recruit a Student, Help Your Paycheck

Daytona Beach Community College is tying faculty and staff salaries to enrollment.

A Push for Public Health

Impending retirements at time of cascading crises prompt expansion in college programs in the field.

Education Dept. Won't Revisit Loan Rules

The U.S. Education Department has rejected a petition from a coalition of student groups, lenders and others that asked the...

New Arguments on Affirmative Action

Are Asian college applicants systematically discriminated against? Are law schools to blame for unhappy black lawyers?

Another Scholar Turned Back at JFK

In move that angered American colleagues, Greek scholar invited to Stony Brook conference was turned around at airport.