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Rally for Title IX Changes

James Madison athletes, blaming federal sex bias law for planned demise of 10 sports, call for changes in 'proportionality' provision .

U. of Alabama Rapped for Homecoming Decision

University cites logistical reasons for moving hip-hop concert to remote site, but many students think fear of offending alumni drove decision.

Does 'Value Added' Add Value?

Listen to some critics of higher education, and you'll hear constant calls for more accountability and assessment. Colleges don't do...

Affirmative Action for White C+ Guys

Towson University, facing a gender gap, starts admissions program for those with high SAT scores and lower grades.

'Out of Step'

A symposium on student success kicked off Wednesday with a sobering message from the keynote speaker: “It’s clear that students...

Education Dept. Rebuffs Colleges on Rules

In final rules for new grant aid, requests for modifications are repeatedly met with the phrase "Changes: None"

RateMyProfessors: Hidden Camera Edition

The site that students love and faculty members hate now wants the former to send in photographs of the latter.