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Closing One Gap for African Americans

Southern colleges enroll higher proportion of black students than are in the region's population, report finds. But other problems exist.

The Adjunctification of Antioch

Shutdown of college will leave all of university's other campuses without tenure. What does that shift mean?

Debate: Top Critic vs. 'U.S. News' Editor

Why are so many college presidents up in arms about U.S. News & World Report's rankings these days? Brian Kelly...

Professor's Got a Gun

Next time, if an unhinged student chooses a campus in Las Vegas or Reno instead of Blacksburg, Va., Stavros Anthony...

Philosophical Questions

William & Mary imposes outside chair on department. Is the college protecting junior faculty or punishing dissent?

Greening the Lab

Chemistry instruction changes as professors consider inputs and outputs of every reaction and teach an environmental ethos.