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Un-complicating Community College Transfer

New Jersey governor signs a law mandating that the state's four-year public institutions fully accept credits from completed associate degrees.

Big Legal Loss for Fraternities

College of Staten Island was justified in denying recognition (and funds) to Greek organization for excluding women, U.S. appeals court rules.

Helping the College, or Just Themselves?

Trustees at a California community college vote to expand health coverage to all board members -- but faculty and staff, many without benefits, voice dissent.

The (Non-Monetary) Value of a College Degree

College graduates smoke less and are likelier to exercise than other Americans. And they're civically engaged, the College Board says in a new report touting public benefits of higher education.

New Front in Florida's Budget Wars

In Florida, where budget shortfalls are hitting higher education particularly hard, the public universities are going to battle with the...

Law School Deanship Rescinded; Politics Blamed

Erwin Chemerinsky, leading constitutional scholar tapped to head California-Irvine's new school, is told he's too "controversial" (liberal).