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Antioch Survives -- at What Price?

University board lifts order to suspend operations for college, but keeps financial exigency and won't recruit freshmen -- moves that anger many.

Muzzling a Watchdog?

Member of CUNY faculty union's board sues emeritus professor for $2 million over Web site that tracks -- and criticizes -- the union. Both sides say academic freedom is at stake.

The Possible New Pell Grant: $4,925

Congressional compromise would lift maximum grant by $125 more than $490 rise approved in budget act; NIH would receive $30 billion. Bush veto likely.

A Different View of the Middle East

Scholars who don't like direction of the field form new group, vowing not to be politicized. Others say the founders are exactly those who have politicized the discipline.

Williams Drops Loans and Wesleyan Curbs Them

Movement to eliminate student borrowing grows -- and Davidson College, which did so in the spring, reports gains as a result.

A College-Friendly Take on Rising Prices

Hearing on rising tuitions, normally a scary topic for higher ed officials, treads gently and focuses on proposal to ensure better state funding of public colleges.

Imperfect Peek Into the Police Blotter

A new FBI report offers a (less than complete) look at the overall nature of crimes at schools and colleges: most are assaults, vandalism or theft.