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Outside Help for 'Coaching' Students

Diane Wojdag has stopped and started a few times en route to a college degree. Since beginning school at Northeastern...

House Panel Backs NIH Extension

Committee passes bill that would aim for 5% increases for biomedical research, but rebuffs effort to raise that ceiling.

Assessing Learning Outcomes

Academic leaders discuss methods of measuring student learning and giving consumers best information about colleges' offerings.

Does Tobacco Money Taint Research?

U. of California urged to bar grants from cigarette companies. Both sides say academic values are at stake.

The Next Level of Open Source

Going a step beyond free course materials, Yale will put videos of selected courses online -- available free to anyone.

Bias or Interest?

When polled privately, professors tend to explain gender gap in sciences as a matter of choices, not discrimination.

Textbooks, Barriers and Aid Forms

Federal advisory panel hears testimony on a range of topics relating to college access and affordability.