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Toward an All E-Textbook Campus

Northwest Missouri State U., which rents books to students, experiments with electronic formats, with ambitions to go digital as publishers do.

Close to the Vest

Education secretary-designate Arne Duncan gave few details about his goals for higher education during Tuesday's Senate confirmation hearing.

Additional Aid More Carrot Than Stick

Study suggests performance-based grants, supplementing traditional aid, help low-income students succeed in community college compared to those who get just need-based funds.

The Impact of a Ban on Affirmative Action

New study projects a 35 percent drop in minority enrollments at the most competitive four-year colleges and universities -- but little gain for white students.

Faculty Pay 'by Applause Meter'

It's not like professors to think that they are so well compensated that it's not worth hoping for a $10,000...

Centers of Attention

Faced with fiscal challenges, Boston University may close centers and institutes to try to maintain ambitious goals of growing faculty numbers and improving quality.

2009 NCAA Convention Preview

Legislative bodies to consider proposals on a wide variety of issues affecting eligibility of athletes, the role of coaches and colleges' commitment to athletics.