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Newly Tenured ... at Luther, Marquette, Misericordia

The following individuals have recently been awarded tenure by their colleges: Luther College --Bradley Miller, computer science--Lea Pickard, anthropology--Matthew Simpson...

Bizarre Drug and Robbery Arrest at Hofstra

Five Hofstra University students have been arrested -- and have denied all charges -- in what police say was an...

Parents' View of the Economy

Even as many colleges report increased student applications, administrators remain deeply worried about what will happen to enrollments this fall...

We Need a New Kind of Institutional Aid

Congress needs to create a program that rewards colleges and universities that educate disadvantaged students, write Charles B. Reed and F. King Alexander.

New Student Assignment: Helping the CIA Recruit

The Central Intelligence Agency has long recruited new college graduates as employees -- and those efforts have sometimes been controversial...

Banned in Boston

After radio show starts campaign against William Ayers lecture, BC calls off his talk -- citing sensitivity to a police officer's killing that may have had nothing to do with the Weather Underground.

Ph.D. Admissions Shrinkage

Even as colleges push to fill undergraduate, master's and professional classes, some institutions are shrinking doctoral programs, where the finances differ.


A number of universities have expanded health care benefits in recent years to cover sexual reassignment surgery for transgender students and employees, a move some see as an obligation for institutions with nondiscrimination policies that cover the population.