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Medical Schools Enroll More Diverse Classes

Medical schools enrolled a more diverse incoming class this year than in previous years, according to new data from the...

A $50M Gift for Xavier University

Xavier University has secured an anonymous $50 million gift, which will help it establish a new College of Osteopathic Medicine...

Dan Lenard of World Voices: Pulse Podcast

This month’s episode of the Pulse podcast features a conversation with Dan Lenard, president of World Voices, a nonprofit trade...

Brown Arrests 41 Student Protesters

Brown University arrested 41 students Monday night following a sit-in at University Hall, where they demanded that the university divest...

Free Speech Center Urges Caution on Tracking Campus Hate, Antisemitism

The Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University sent a letter to the U.S. attorney general and the secretary of...

Saving the River Giants: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Stefan Lovgren, research scientist in the College of Science at the University of Nevada at...
Aerial view of Wichita State University during summer break.

Success Program Launch: A Minor for Student Org Leaders

As of this fall, student government or organization participants at Wichita State University can work toward a minor in student organization leadership, credentialing their learned experiences.

Former Arizona State Employee Accused of Misspending $100,000

A former Arizona State University technology employee faces 14 felony counts after an internal audit found he allegedly misspent thousands...