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The Cost of Lockdowns on Health Care Access: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Shamma A. Alam, associate professor of economics and chairperson of the department of international studies...
Pro-Palestinian protesters wearing masks and holding signs stand on stairs near an encampment at the UCLA campus

Poll: Nearly Half of Adults Oppose the Pro-Palestinian Protests at Colleges

The pro-Palestinian protests on many college campuses are dividing opinions—especially between younger and older adults—with nearly half of those responding...
A black-and-white image of members of the National Guard firing tear gas at student protestors at Kent State University on May 4, 1970.

The Long Shadow of May 4, 1970

The lessons of Kent State should not go unremembered, Todd Diacon writes.

Police and pro-Palestinian protesters stand-off

Protest Updates, May 2: An Agreement at Rutgers

Rutgers Administrators Agree to Most Protester Demands Protesters at Rutgers University began to voluntarily disassemble their tents on the Voorhees...

In Pictures: College Campus Protests

In Pictures: College Campus Protests
An Israeli flag waves in the foreground in a photo of Columbia University’s campus.

No Country for Israeli Academics

Atar David writes that he no longer sees a place for himself, or other Israeli scholars, in U.S. academe.

Debts Canceled for 317,000 Former Students at Art Institutes

The Education Department will wipe out $6.1 billion in loans for students who attended any Art Institute campus from 2004...

House Passes Antisemitism Awareness Act

Lawmakers in the House of Representatives voted 310 to 91 Wednesday to codify a broad definition of antisemitism into federal...