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After Report, Michigan Will Hire New Hockey Coach

The University of Michigan announced Friday that Mel Pearson, the head men's hockey coach, will not return for another season...

Colleges in Colorado and New York Hit With Bomb Threats

Colleges in Colorado and New York State experienced bomb threats, but no actual bombs, on Friday. Colorado and New York...

Faculty vs. Campus Police on Racial Profiling

More than 100 faculty members at California State University, Long Beach, have signed a letter backing Steven Osuna, a Latino...

Dreaming of Future Possibilities: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Karen A. Cerulo, full professor of sociology at Rutgers University, explains how striving can make...

CUNY Removes Article on Johnny Depp Lawyer

The City University of New York removed from its website an article (archived here) about a 2015 Hunter College graduate...

Stop Taking Grants Students Have Earned

Colleges need to stop treating student success at winning private scholarships as just another windfall, writes Nadja Jepsen.

New Mexico College Misses Deadline to Hire President

Despite a months-long search that netted 50 applicants for its open presidency, Northern New Mexico College missed a July 1...

Paydar Confirmed as Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education

On Thursday, the Senate confirmed Nasser Paydar as the assistant secretary for the Office of Postsecondary Education. Paydar is currently...