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Removing the Language Barrier

As European higher education internationalizes, master's programs taught in English proliferate.

St. Andrews Faces Accreditation Loss

Southern association moves to revoke small North Carolina college's approval and places four others on probation.

A Legally Binding Environmental Pledge

While hundreds of colleges promise to go green, a few are willing to pay if they don't meet their targets.

Where the Adjuncts Are

New research identifies the types of institutions most likely to employ part-time professors.

At CUNY, Religious Studies, or Religion?

City University's trustees approve new degree at Medgar Evers, over faculty objections that program would favor one religion over others.

Campus Accountability Proposals Evolve

State and private college groups unveil plans for public release of data on tuition, graduation and -- in some cases -- student learning.

Gutting Shared Governance?

Northwestern blasted for suspending professors' input for 3.5 years while journalism school undergoes curricular overhaul.