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We'd Prefer to Speak for Ourselves, Thanks

The memorandum that circulated on Capitol Hill last week sought to reassure U.S. senators that higher education leaders, who have...

Call to Arms for Private Colleges

In an address to fellow presidents about the future of higher education, MIT's leader says "our story isn’t well understood by Congress or the public."

A Merger on Whose Terms?

As Polytechnic board prepares for university to be absorbed by NYU, some trustees see lack of due diligence, squelching of faculty views, and conflicts of interest.

Moral Leadership of Presidents and Their Colleges

Leaders of Catholic institutions discuss the importance of speaking out publicly -- and not just on the usual issues.

'Unreal' Boost for Science?

President Bush's proposed budget for basic research and development in the 2009 fiscal year seeks a record $147 billion, a...

The Feds Giveth, and Taketh Away

Bush's 2009 budget plan would lift maximum Pell Grant to $4,800, kill other aid programs -- and slash funds for minority-serving colleges that gained in last fall's budget measure.

Ethics and Private Admissions Counseling

High school and college officials may be engaged in more moonlighting -- and some see incident at Penn reflecting larger issues with the industry.