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Maelstrom Over Metadata

A change in policy for how libraries can use and share online catalog data is causing a backlash among open-access proponents and some librarians.

Welfare Reform and Women's College Enrollment

The whole idea behind the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 -- the formal name of the...

Nicholls State Faulted on Treatment of Long-Term Adjunct

AAUP finds concerns about due process and academic freedom in case of mathematics instructor let go after 12 years of work.

So Goes the Nation

California and New York governors propose a round of midyear budget reductions for higher education, and more states are expected to follow suit.

Vigilante Justice on Plagiarism

At Texas A&M International, an instructor told students he would fail and publicly humiliate them if they engaged in academic dishonesty. They did and he did -- so the university fired him.

Discrediting the "Model Minority" Stereotype

Chinese Americans are not as homogeneous as they are sometimes portrayed -- this is particularly apparent in their college-going rates...