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Diverting Students from Developmental Ed

U. of Texas at El Paso has redesigned some courses, and created alternative streams for students who otherwise would start a traditional remedial sequence.

Dorm Living as a Psychological Science

Some small colleges are using the Myers-Briggs personality test to either match freshman roommates or help resolve conflict between them.

Making Engagement Data Meaningful

Gallaudet U. tries to use annual student survey to measure the effectiveness of significant revisions in its undergraduate curriculum and institutional mission.

The Academic Work Force, 2007

The economic downturn may portend contraction of college staffs in the offing. But an annual federal report finds continued growth, particularly in instructional staff and administrative professionals.

With Budget Crunch Hitting IT, Time to Rethink Role?

Colleges' information technology budgets aren't immune to the economic downturn, and some CIOs see opportunity to streamline priorities and recast their mission.

The Adjunctification of English

MLA seeks to highlight -- and reverse -- the increasing use of non-tenure-track professors to teach writing and literature.