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A Bad Budget That Could Have Been Worse

As California leaders end impasse, plan to close huge gap cuts hundreds of millions in college operating support, but spares student aid and funds community college enrollment growth.

'Study Abroad Changed My Life and Other Problems'

PORTLAND, Ore. -- Conventionally, conference sessions serve a purpose of further orienting participants into the accepted language and landscape of...

Creating a National Voice for Adjuncts

Leaders from a variety of institutions and organizations hope to establish advocacy group with sole focus on those off the tenure track.

U.S. Appeals Court Rules for Tenure Rights

Judges reverse decision that applied unusual Puerto Rico law to limit ability of a professor to challenge an unfair dismissal.

Big Love Community College

Two-year institution near polygamous community wants law enforcement and social services off its campus, following claims that their presence discouraged enrollments from nearby fundamentalist sect.

Anthropologists Toughen Ethics Code

Changes stress importance of honesty about research projects and sharing findings, but policy is intentionally ambiguous in not explicitly barring classified work.

Anti-Israel Prof Loses Post at Bard

Joel Kovel denounces process to faculty colleagues, but some point to his disorganization or the economy as being more decisive than his politics in the case.