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Group of university college tourists walking inside a hotel with suitcases

Report: The Value of Study Abroad for Student Success

An April report from Terra Dotta finds college students who participate in a study-away program believe it benefits their personal and professional growth.

A sign reading “Free Tuition” is situation on a pile of money in front of an ivy-clad wall.

Is Financial Aid the New Affirmative Action?

Many highly selective colleges are pumping up their financial aid offerings. With race-conscious admissions out of the picture, it may be their best bet for diversity.

Two woman walking on a college campus

Report: Texas Community College Students Struggling to Make Ends Meet

A new survey from Trellis Strategies finds a majority of two-year students in Texas have run out of money during 2023, but one-third of students have not spoken with their college about their issues.

A table set for Passover dinner with blue plates and tablecloths and matzah in the center.

A Passover Reminder

The Seder liturgy reminds us that too many colleges are creating students who don’t know how to ask a question, Rachel Fish writes.


Art in Flux

Debating art’s meaning and purpose in our age of algorithmic aesthetics and corporate production and curation.

A night scene of the lawn at Columbia, covered in signs and Palestinian flags.

Another Wave of Unrest Grips Campuses

Protesters regroup at Columbia, garnering support from students at other colleges. Penn blocks a pro-Palestinian group; USC cancels more graduation speakers.

A slightly digitized photo of the Minnesota Capitol with a blue overlay and background

Minnesota Lawmakers Push to Regulate OPMs

Online program managers that allow institutions to offer wide-scale online courses are under fire in Minnesota. Lawmakers don’t like their profit-sharing model, among other things.

Four students walk on campus wearing UCF merchandise

Advising on Classes, Life and Anything Else

The University of Central Florida streamlined student supports by merging the roles of academic adviser and student success coach roles into one.